Valerie Manor Raises $2,225 for Local Cancer Support

TORRINGTON, C.T. — Valerie Manor is thrilled to announce the success of its recent holiday raffle, which raised $2,225 to benefit the Cancer Care Fund of Litchfield Hills.
The Cancer Care Fund of Litchfield Hills, a not-for-profit organization helping support cancer patients living in or receiving care in the northwest corner of the state, accepted the donation from the staff at Valerie Manor on Wednesday, December 18th.
Employees extend their thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle and to the local community members who donated items to create more than a dozen holiday raffle baskets. The community’s kindness and support truly made this possible.
Valerie Manor, located at 1360 Torringford Street, is proud to be part of such a compassionate community. For more information about our services or to schedule a tour of our center please call 860-489-1008.
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