Heat Safety for the Elderly

Heat Safety for the Elderly

Being exposed to excessive sun and heat isn’t healthy for anyone, but especially the elderly. To lower your risk of heat-related illnesses there are many steps you can take…

  • Stay hydrated – but stay away from alcohol and caffeine!
  • Use fans or air conditioning if you can – if not, keep your shades closed and open your windows at night
    • If your house is hot, take a break during the day and go out somewhere like the movie theater or library – they will have air conditioning!
  • Dress appropriately – cotton can often be cooler than synthetic materials
  • Don’t exercise or do excessive activity outside in the heat
  • Avoid crowded places – go out when it isn’t rush-hour!

Stay safe but don’t forget to enjoy every minute of your summer!

July 12, 2019 A Healthier Approach To Caring