Inside Athena: The Understanding Nature of Orchard View Manor’s Business Office Manager

Inside Athena: The Understanding Nature of Orchard View Manor’s Business Office Manager

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Sandy Matos recently celebrated 25 years as the Business Office Manager at Orchard View Manor. In her role, she has helped thousands of residents, and their families navigate the often-overwhelming financial process of residing in a skilled nursing center either for short-term or long-term care.

Sandy Matos, Business Office Manager, Orchard View Manor

When people need short-term care following a discharge from a hospital or are looking for long-term placement, Matos explains it can be a scary process for those who have never navigated skilled nursing care before.

She helps ease the process and serves as a translator of numbers. She breaks down the complex financial information into something manageable and connects with each resident and family.

“I put myself in their shoes and break it down for them so it’s not as scary as it looks,” said Matos. “I really listen to them and be their audience so I can break it down for them to a level they understand.”

Her gentle and informational approach led her to growth at the center. When she first began in 1999, she was the Accounts Receivable Assistant. In 2003, she was then promoted to Business Office Manager. With her natural leadership and curiosity to step in and help others, she was promoted to a regional position in 2015 to assist the four other Athena-managed centers in the state, while still serving as Orchard View Manor’s Business Office Manager.

“I like change, and I like to be busy,” she explains. “I like researching new ways to try things and I always offer to jump into things and find more efficient ways to do it.”

Matos said she loves connecting and building relationships with residents, which helps her explain the “why” behind their statements and reduce their stress so they can focus on their recovery.

Reflecting on her 25-year career at Orchard View Manor she said, “It’s the people that have kept me here and the team approach we have at the center. We all fill in for each other.”

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August 22, 2024 A Healthier Approach To Caring, Inside Athena